If we have failed to adequately address anything in this section or on our website that you would like to know more about please feel free to contact us. Many of our clients are initially unclear on how to get started, so we encourage them to view our steps of web development to learn more about our client/designer development process. Turbo tech welcomes your thoughts, questions, and suggestions.

Although we commit ourselves to affordability, a number of factors affect the ultimate cost of your Website. For instance, number of pages you are going to have, the amount of artwork that is required; a database, e-commerce shopping cart or other advanced services.

You pay 50% before we start developing your Website and another 50% must be paid before we launch your Website. Payments can be made through; Cash Payments, Online Wallets, Bank Transfer and Cheques.

  • A meeting either by phone or in person to discuss requirements and structure of the project.
  • We provide formal proposal for your review and approval. Then a 50% deposit is required to begin work.
  • You give us content you want on your website i.e. texts, special images). If you don't have, we offer content writing services as well.
  • We submit completed web pages for your review and apply reasonable changes you may need. Once the website is complete, we'll walk you through and explain how to use it if necessary.
  • Once you give a final approval then the pay the remaining balance before your website to goes live.
  • Working together is important for best service and completing your project in agreed time frame.
  • Cash Payments, Online Wallets, Bank Transfer and Cheques.
  • Readiness is Key! Do you know what kind of feel you are looking for ?
  • Do you have information you want on the website ?
  • Do you have an idea of what kind of graphics you need on the website ?
  • Do you have a business Logo since it's a Business Identity ?
  • Readiness is Key! Is the information you want on the website ready ?
  • Depends on factors like; how many pages or how big is the Website, amount of artwork, ecommerce options or the advanced services required. After the initial website design consultation, your website can be "live" in as little as 14 days. ( TC Apply ).

Not exactly. We cannot duplicate someone else's website because it is unethical and is also a violation of copyrights. If you came across a website that you liked, we will do our best to create something that falls within a similar design concept.

We can assist in almost every aspect of getting your website up and running, including content writing. This can add time to the production schedule depending on the degree of support required, and clients are required to provide an overview / basic information so that we can work our magic and produce great copy for your website.

Absolutely, just make sure you tell me about your needs and I will build the web site on a platform that will allow you to quickly and easily update your site. Anytime. Anywhere. Charges May be Applicable.

Of course! our extremely affordable website maintenance packages allow us to update your site quickly and easily. We offer two options:
  • You can either pay on a monthly basis
  • Pay on an "as needed" basis.

Yes. We have no problem applying changes that are reasonable in nature such as modifying text or adding links. We do not charge for any of these changes as long as they do not go significantly beyond what's listed in the formal proposal.

This is one of the benefits of working with Turbo Tech! The thing that has made us stand out from many of the larger companies is the fact that we provide individualized attention to every single one of our clients. Trust me!!! You will not get lost in the shuffle.

We will create a custom web design that best represents YOU and your company’s unique needs. We never use the same template twice. No "cookie cutter" websites here!!! Our artistic ability and creative problem solving is ideal for designing modern, eye-catching and effective promotional material.

Our clients are unique and diversified. Clients include: professionals, executives, lawyers, bloggers, consultants, schools, colleges, photographers, non-profit organizations, therapists, importers & exporters, public enterprises, real estate agents and that's just a tip of an ice-bag! Creative designs = happy clients! Satisfaction Guaranteed.

We use the latest technology, so that clients can easily contact us. Call, Text, or Email us 24/7/365 and your updates will be live on the website within the next few hours.

We are based in Bangalore. We always have our finger on the pulse when it comes to the most current trends in online marketing. That being said, we have clients from all over the Karnataka and beyond! Modern technology makes it easy for us to work with clients all-over. With Turbo Tech, no matter where you (the client) are located we can serve you.

We are based in Bangalore. We always have our finger on the pulse when it comes to the most current trends in online marketing. That being said, we have clients from all over the Karnataka and beyond! Modern technology makes it easy for us to work with clients all-over. With Turbo Tech, no matter where you (the client) are located we can serve you.

A Website avails your business Online 24/7 for those who may be looking for you Online. It brings your Business to your Website visitor. Instead of being within the reach of only those who Walk In your store on the Street or see your advert in the Yellow Pages, with Internet you can reach people across the world. Websites make Business easy.

A Website avails your business Online 24/7 for those who may be looking for you Online. It brings your Business to your Website visitor. Instead of being withiYou need to adapt quickly to changes in the Google algorithm and technology. You must have one site, which is of a responsive design (meaning it would adapt to different screen sizes) or Google […] the users of mobile technology will find it easy to navigate your website hence increasing your number of website visitors.n the reach of only those who Walk In your store on the Street or see your advert in the Yellow Pages, with Internet you can reach people across the world. Websites make Business easy.

You do not need to submit your website to search engines because we will do it for you. The most important search engines are Google, Yahoo and Bing. These account for over 95% of all internet searches, so it would be safe to say that you're covered. Other search engines are fed by search results from the major three.

Yes we do!! Social Media marketing is a pretty broad area, and for this reason we focus on the most commonly used platforms.